Fear Not
Fear. You’ll find it splashed across the pages of your Bible. It is no small subject. From Genesis to Revelation, from Abraham to John on the Isle of Patmos, we hear the command from heaven ringing out over and over again: “FEAR NOT! FEAR NOT! FEAR NOT!”
That command was given to Abraham. It was given to Moses. And it was given to Israel. It was given to David, to Daniel, and to the city of Jerusalem. The exhortation and command to not fear was given to the disciples as they were on the Sea of Galilee, to Mary when the angel Gabriel told her she would expect a child, and to the crowds who gathered to hear Jesus.
In Isaiah 41, God said it this way: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (v. 10, NKJV). In Him we can find our strength, our help, and the one who will uphold us forever.
God has told us not to fear and not to be afraid. When God is with you, you cannot be defeated. When God is at your side, you can overcome all things. He is your source of strength, and He has promised to strengthen you. And He will strengthen you to do the work He has called you to do. All strength comes from God. He doesn't give it to you two hours before you need it. He gives it to you when you need it.
In God you will find all the help you need. You do not have to fear because God has said, “I will help you.” He is your help in the little and in the large, in the mundane and in the magnitude. Remember Moses. God told Moses to lead an entire nation through the desert and to the Promised Land of Israel. But God did not leave him to it on his own. He parted the Red Sea, He supplied Manna from Heaven, and He Himself was a “pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light” (Exodus 13:21, NIV).
Do you need to be upheld today? Do you need a shoulder to lean upon? Rest in the unfailing promise of a faithful God: “I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” It is not all up to you. There is a reason why God has called Himself our Heavenly Father. He is not far removed, but closer than a brother. He is always right by your side. He will uphold you. He will bear you up. With His strong hand, He will carry you through.
Second Timothy 1 tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear. Who you are on the inside is not a fearful person, because that is what the Bible says about you. Fear is a foreign entity that may work against you or that may come alongside you at times, but it is not who you are. God instead, has given you a spirit of power, of love, and of a mind that is sound.
Life can seem like mission impossible until God shows up saying, “I will help you.” Appropriate the Word of God for your life. The message from Heaven for you to “Fear Not” is a powerful remedy to conquer storms and trials. Are you going through the most difficult moment of your life? I want you to make this confession today: