Psalm 90:2
Today's Scripture
…even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.
Psalm 90:2
God remains ever faithful. The One Who moved in generations past still reigns from His throne today.
Elijah and Elisha, the prophets of God, served shoulder to shoulder in the midst of a corrupt generation. Ahab, the Israelite king, did more to anger God than all the others before him (1 Kings 16:33). As an ardent devotee to Baal, Queen Jezebel ruled over the pagan worship in the kingdom – false gods, ritual prostitution, and child sacrifice. She habitually executed priests and prophets of the true God.
Elijah and Elisha boldly proclaimed the word of the Lord and condemned the worship of Baal before Ahab and Jezebel. Because of the evil they perpetrated in Israel, God finally eliminated their family line.
We also serve in a generation that has rejected God to turn aside to lesser idols. Instead of being overwhelmed by despair and fear as events unfold, we are called to be beacons of truth to a world that has lost its way.
We stand on a foundation that cannot be destroyed. Heaven and earth will one day pass away, but every “i” will be dotted, and every “t” will be crossed in the Word of God; every promise will be fulfilled. When we are faithful to do what God asks of us, He will make it count for His kingdom. He is faithful.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May God fill you with holy boldness to speak His truth and shine His light. Praises to our God Who is still mighty to save and able to deliver!