The Art of Forgetting

By John Hagee

The Art of Forgetting
John Hagee
This Labor Day, as we honor the contributions of workers, let's also reflect on the biblical command to "forget those things which are behind." Sir Walter Scott, Napoleon Bonaparte, Einstein, and Sir Isaac Newton—all mastered the art of forgetting the opinions and failures of their past. Like these great men, you must not allow the past to control your future. Take a lesson from Joseph, who, despite the betrayal by his brothers, rose to become the second most powerful person in Egypt. He named his sons Manasseh ("For God has made me forget all my toils and all my father's house") and Ephraim ("For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction"), symbolizing his mastery of forgetting the past and embracing God's blessings.
Are you allowing the opinions of others to frame your life? Master the art of forgetting. Let go of the resentment, the anxiety, the rejections, and the labels others have put on you. As you do, God will lead you through every storm and set you on fire with a vision that knows no limits. Live your life without boundaries, and remember, nothing is impossible when you believe!