The Battle For Your Mind, Volume 1
John Hagee

The greatest battles are fought on the battlefield of your mind. This is where your spiritual success or failure is determined. Your top priority is focusing on who God is and who you are through him. God’s truth will set you free. In the battlefield of your mind, your greatest enemy is yourself. Your thoughts determine your attitude, and your attitude determines your accomplishments.
Worry is practical atheism. God is all powerful and in absolute control. Is your life in a state of chaos? Have you given up hope? Be anxious for nothing. Worry paralyzes your mind. It robs your body of rest. There is no need to worry when you serve the Prince of Peace.
What is your potential? Don’t be driven by your problems. Be led and inspired by your dreams. Are you destroying your potential with negative thoughts? Saturate your life with God’s Word and learn how to release your potential. With God you can live a life without limit. You have a mountain full of God-given potential. Stop playing with sandcastles. Nothing is impossible to those who believe.
This series contains the following sermons: The Battle for Your Mind, Stop Worrying and Start Living, The Power of Your Potential.