
The Gift That Keeps on Giving

John Hagee

Bethlehem’s manger held the gift that keeps on giving, Jesus Christ. The greatest gift that mankind ever received was born in a cave to a virgin, Mary. God sent him to redeem us from our sins. Jesus offers healing for the sick, prosperity to all, and hope for tomorrow. He offers all who believe in the gift of eternal life.

The Christmas story is the story of spiritual warfare. For this cause came Christ into the world, to destroy the works of the Devil. The Prince of Darkness saw Jesus’ birth as an invasion of his territory. We are not here to coexist with evil; we are here to conquer it.

Did you succeed last year? Forget it! Did you fail last year? Forget it! Forgetting your past should be a priority. Don’t allow your past to be so remembered, so completely burned into your memory, that it paralyzes you today and imperils your tomorrow. Remembering a bitter past only produces pain.

This series includes the following sermons: God’s Greatest Gift, The Controversy of Christmas, and The Gift of Forgetting.

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