I Love It When God Shows Up Series
Matt Hagee
The Word of the Lord is rare in our modern society. Our churches lack God’s power and presence as we have made other things our priority. Are you reading the Word and giving God the time and attention He deserves during the week? Or, are you only giving him 90 minutes on Sunday? Are we, as a nation, willing to endure sound doctrine, or do we want to resist feeling challenged? Today, we see widespread division, but not widespread revelation. Just when you think we are beyond hope, God shows up.
The most essential workers on the planet right now are mothers. Moms are behind the scenes in every scenario, supporting their children. They may never be inducted into a hall of fame, but athletes and scholars alike have been shaped by their mothers. No one is more needed in our world today than a loving mom. Moms, YOU are more than enough! We often esteem Mary as the ultimate mother, but God is no respecter of persons. The same things that qualified Mary to be used of God qualify today’s mothers. Mary wasn’t perfect, she was just the right woman for the job. Moms, the Lord is with you.
This series includes the following sermons: I Love It When God Shows Up, Mom You Are Enough.